
Montag, 26. April 2010

4 times

I have to apologize for my current lack of posts. I am in the middle of some exams and still have so much to do. But when the next two weeks are over you can expect much more again, cause I have many ideas (my tattoo, maybe a tutorial again, a timeline of my hair ^^). So please stay in touch (maybe add me on my twitter!). Also I need to thank Stephanie for the award she gave me, more about it next time.

Before there will be some juicy pictures from saturday night, let me juts express how happy I am about the news about a new collection from Beth Ditto for Evans! This is more than supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! This is the coolest (or is it most cool?) thing that I could dream of. YaY!
I still want to keep my blog bilingual, but please don't be sad if in some post there is just one language (which willmostly be English than). I am also thinking about translating the questions on into english / german, maybe when I have more time.

Okay Ladies & Gentleman my best friends & me:
(ähm... blogger keeps going mad so you can click on them to make them bigger)

Oh my, they all are so pretty and well dress.
It was so much fun.

(Sometimes I just don't get what is making out of the pictures, they all have the same size actually!)

Mittwoch, 14. April 2010


Just a few words about that. I put some outfits together for some pieces that caught my eye: the floral dress, the denim shirt and the acid washed jeggings.
Theese three pieces are what I am thinking about to buy sooner or later.
What do you think of it? Which things are you wishing for at the moment?

I wanted to say thank you for 80 followers/readers.
I will think about some give away for you guys.

Dienstag, 13. April 2010

Sold out for ever

There is a story I wanna tell you, the story about mint nail polish and me.
When I first saw mint nail polish at Gabis Blog I felt in love with it immediately, I always loved petrol or dark green ones and the mint color was perfection. So I was totally happy to see that this color would be available in the nail polish range of American Apparel. At first I wanted to order it but than a friend of mine told me that he would drive to Düsseldorf and would visit the American Apparel shop there, so I told him to buy it for me. But the luck wasn't on my side and they told him that they took the nail polish out of their range cause it has got some damaging ingredients in it. So no mint colored nail polish for me.

I always look at the stores if I found one, so some months later, when I wanted to order something at ASOS I saw that they had a mint nail polish from Eyeko, I was so happy about it, cause they also had some other dute colors... but than my my shopping cart told me that they won't send nail polishes to other countries than UK. WHAAAAT?!
After seeing hundreds of blog postings about mint colored nail polish from H&M I wanted to try it out another time and took a look at my H&/M of trust. No mint polish!! What the hell was wrong with me & mint polish??

When I was in Bremen this saturday, my friend told me, that they have a new make up brand at "Müller", it is called Catrice and they offer a great line of colorful nail polished, also a mint one. But of cause, it was sold out. The lighter and the daker one. I looked at the color on the internet and than I saw it, the huge bad omen: Sold Out For Ever!
That is the name of the color from Catrice! Hahahaha, how ironic.
So as you can guess, I went to the Müller store at my town yesterday and of cause it was sold out. Cause it was so frustrating I bought the darker one which is called "I Sea You!", which is nice to, but not what i wanted.
So my journey goes on and maybe when everyone elrse turns mint polish down again I will finally get my bottle!

"I Sea You!"               &        "Sold Out For Ever!"

Es gibt da eine Geschichte, die ich euch erzählen will, die Geschichte über mintfarbenen Nagellack und mich.
Als ich das erste mal mintfarbenen Nagellack auf Gabis Blog gesehen hab, war ich sofort begeistert, ich mochte schon immer dunkel grünen oder petrolfarbenen, aber das war die Perfektion. Ich war also total froh, dass es diese Farbe bei American Apparel gab und als ein Freund mir sagte er würde nach Düsseldorf fahren , beauftragte ich ihn damit, mir den Lack von dort mit zu bringen.
Leider stellte sich heraus, dass American Apparel die Lacks wieder aus ihrer Kollektion genommen hatten, da sie irgendwelche schädlichen Stoffe enthielten. Kein mintfarbener Lack für mich.
Auch wenn ich immer schaute ob ich irgendwo im Laden welchen fand, lief mir er mir nicht über den Weg. Umso erfreuter war ich zu sehen, dass es bei ASOS welchen gab, also wollte ich ihn mitbestellen, als ich meinen Rock bestellt habe. Doch mein Warenkorb sagte mir, dass Nagellack nur innerhalb der UK versendet werden könnte. Waaaaruuummmm?
Auch den oft geposteten von H&M der in der special edition erschien, konnte ich mir nicht in der den Nagel reißen, als ich in meinem H&M des Vertrauens nachschaute, war er bereits ausverkauft. Was lief nur falsch mir mit und dem mintfarbenen Nagellack?
Samstag in Bremen erzählte eine Freundin mir, dass es eine neue Make Up Marke bei Müller gibt: Catrice. Die haben tolle, bunte Lack und sogar einen hellen und einen dunkleren mintfarbenen, aber natürlich war dieser ausverkauft.
Als ich mir im Internet die Lacks noch einmal ansah, traf mich der Schlag, der Name des hellen, schönen mintfarbenen Lacks war: Sold Out For Ever! Was für eine Ironie. 
Voller Hoffnung ging ich gestern in den Müllerladen bei uns in der Stadt, und ratet mal? Natürlich gab es ihn nicht. Aus Frust kaufte ich den dunkleren ( "I Sea You"), aber eigentlich ist das nicht der, den ich wollte.

Also meine Suche geht weiter und vielleicht kriege ich ja irgendwann den passenden, irgedwann wenn alle anderen keinen Bock mehr auf mint haben!

Sonntag, 11. April 2010

Formspring me.

Ich habe grade eben zwei Fragen bei Formspring beantwortet, aber irgendwie werden die Antworten nicht angezeigt. Also gibts hier noch mal ne Antwort.

Auf die Frage, welche anderen Deutschen Bloggerinen es gib, die nicht ganz so bunt und wild gekleidet sind wie ich, habe ich Lodis Blog "Fat & Foxy" (in meiner Sidebar zu finden) empfohlen, sie hat einen wunderbaren, frischen Style, bloggt zwar auf English ist aber Deutsche. Ebenso wie Coco von "Black Crushing Sea". Ansonsten kann ich zum einkaufen hier die Übergrößenabteilungen von H&M oder C&A emphelen, oder was persönlich nicht so mein Fall ist: Ulla Popken.

Die zweite Frage war eingentlich mehr ein Kompliment, und dafür hier ein Danke schön. <3 Wer sonst noch fragen hat, ich find das super: my Formspring!

I just said something about my formspring, cause it didn't worked ?! So if you have any questions or just wanne tell my something :) my Formspring!

2 1/2 hours at Primark

Yesterday I went to Bremen with my best friends to visit one of the two Primark stores we have in Germany. It is a big store at a great shopping mall and we started our trip at 7.00 o`clock in the morning with a breakfast in the car. At about 10.oo we arrived there, just when the shop opened. It was a really good idea to go there so early, at this point there have been just a few others costumers and things have been very tidy and assorted so it was much fun to look at the clothes and shoes and so on.
I just went trough the shelves and packed everything in my bag that looked nice and as if it could fit me. In their size guide on their webpage they say that the rage goes up to size 20, but I just found things in 18. After we saw all the stuff and tried on lots of shoes we went to the changing rooms and found out that we were only allowed to take 8 pieces and no shoes & accessories with us. What the fuuuuuuck?! I mean heeellooo??? It's not something where we can go every day and they offer this megahuge bags to just pack every single fucking piece of clothes in and than they tell you: "Oppps sorry, you just can take 8 things and a set of a bra and undies that hang on one hanger are count as two pieces! And when you want to try on more than 8 pieces you have to come to the front again and check out the clothes you tried and blahblahblah" most of you who know Primark better than me know how it works. ...But for me it was totaly new, I mean they want to sell the things, they are super cheap and so you can say that they make their profit by selling huges amounts of clothes, so why can't I try them on?
Whatever, in the end only two things fitted me, a leggings and a top. The dresses have all been to tight, especially in the bust and arm area.
So here are the pictured of what I have bought (some things aren't from primark, but you will see that).

Umbrella (5€) , smal purse (4€) and a note book with cupcakes (1,50€)

Ice cream lip balm in cookie and bubblegum flavour (from clair's, 2,50€ )

"Princess for a day!", "The pinker the better!", "Let's talk about Barrie!", nail polish from Catrice, but I have forgotten what they cost.

Flower Leggins ( 5€), blush top (3€) and scarf (4€)

Heart necklace (3€) and the other (5€)

Hairclips...I think 2€

Hairpiece (2€)

Scarf from Vera Moda (9€)

Glasses (1,50€)

Both shoes for 3€

Brooches or hairclips (2€)

Flats for 4€ per pair, actually they are quite tight, but after wearing them one day they fit.

Cupcake cosmetic bag with mirror (5€) and a big black leather bag for university (11€).

So yes, even though I didn't found many clothes I got a lot other things I am quite happy with. Also it was a day full of fun, tasty food and friendship! :)

Montag, 5. April 2010

OOTD coral

I hope you all had a nice easter weekend. Mine was really nice, we had a great easter breakfast on sunday morning, with my family and the family of my best friend and in the evening we went to a great party. My ASOS Coral Skirt arrived on saturday, I am so happy with it, its beautiful and made out of light, flowing fabric. I ordered it in a UK 26, and it is really wide, it would definitely fit 1 or even 2 sizes bigger, cause its extremely stretchy. But I fell in love with it right after I unpacked it.

Ich hoffe ihr hatte alle ein schönes Osterwochenende. Meins war jeden Falls sehr nett, ich hatte ein tolles Frühstück mit meiner Familie und der meiner besten Freundin. Abends sind wir dann auf die Osterparty im Forum gegangen. Ich hatte meinen neuen korallfarbigen Rock von ASOS an, der am Samstag gekommen ist, er ist so schön und aus einem leichten, fließendem Stoff. Ich hab ihn in UK26 bestellt und war überrascht wie weit er ist, der Bund ist total dehnbar und würde definitiv auch noch für 1-2 Größen größer passen. Auch wenn er fast zu weit ist habe ich mich sofort in ihn verliebt, als ich ihn ausgepackt habe.

Rock / Skirt - ASOS
T-Shirt & Bolera - H&M
Leggings - Evans
Shoes (you can't see them here) - Black Flats Evans

Also I have worn my huge bow (from the tutorial), I adore it so much, it is just the perfect thing for my hair.

Ich hab außerdem die riesige Schleife getragen (aus meinem Tutorial) , ich mag sie im Moment so gerne, sie ist einfach perfekt für meine Frisur.

Who of you have tried out the tutorial and made a bow? I still want to see them!
Wer hat das Tutorial schon ausprobiert und eine Schleife gemacht? Ich möchte sie immer noch sehen.