
Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

Festival Summer 2010

Like I said in some post before I attend at the Hurricane Festival 2010 again. I went there in 2009 & 2008 and have been to my first big festival in 2007, which was Rock am Ring. As you can see, I love it. I really do. Even though it might be one of the hardest weekends in the whole year, there is nothing better than walking through the gates and getting the first look on this huge stage. It feel amazing when you see you favorite band playing their set while the sun goes down and everything is turned into golden light. You will never be happier in the rain, as standing there in the moving crowed which this stupid capes from T-Mobil, to protect you from the rain, screaming as loud as you can. Everything smells like BBQ and Beer and you don't have any oppotunity to get your daily make-up and hair session done. Thats the point where for me it gets like not so good. Cause I am addicted to my straightener and I am tending to be a bit vain. My girls always laugh at me when I try do make the best out of hair you sleep on for two nights and putting a third layer of mascara over the smudged makeup.
But now H&M is here to save us. I just discovered that their new "Fashion aginat Aids" collection will also bee their first "Festival Collection". I took a look at the english online store (cause in the German side I just can find the look book). They have amazing clothes, sleeping bags, festival kits for guys and girls and even a stylish tent! Plus the amazing Josh Beech wearing the mens clothes.


[More pictures at: Les Mads]

OMFG! This all is screaming my name. Really I am wanting this kit so badly. And I thin I will look for putting an outfit together like this. *sigh* Money, Money where are you. No I am hoping that they will offer this stuff at my local H&M otherwise I will order it online and hope that I will arrive cause we all know that H&M Germany can be very, very slow.