
Donnerstag, 25. November 2010

How do you do it?

As everyone is starting to talk about christmas and preparing gift or planing outfits I thought I will use the chance of so many different people from different background to ask you:

How do you celebrate your christmas? And when? I know that it's really different from country to country, but also every family has it's own kind of traditions, so I am really curious, about yours.

My family isn't religious, so we never went to church on the "Heiliger Abend" which is on the 24th of December. In Germany you normally would go to church, after it have your presents under the christmas tree and than have dinner.
So we always went to my aunt and uncle when I was little, there we had some coffee and cake and I got my presents from them. After it, I had to wait at my grandma and grandpa (my greatgrandma was usually there, too) so we played a bit till my mum rang the bell, that was the sign for me to come upstairs. I got my presents. After the "Bescherung" (what is German word for the time when you get your presents) we had dinner. It never was that festive at our family, now special dresses bought just for christmas or so. On the 25th and 26th of December we have two holidays where you also meet with family and relatives to have a more bigger dinner, with really special things. Something traditional would be goose with red cabbage and dumplings. 

So now tell me about your christmas traditions.

Thats our balcony on christmastime ♥

Natürlich können mir auch gerne alle deutschen Leser verraten, wie ihre Bescherung und ihr Weihnachtsessen aussehen!