
Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014

2013 Recap Part II

When I though about writing my recap of 2013 all I could think of was how easy it is to fall into the thought of how awful the last year was, how nothing happened at all and how I did not accomplish anything. But certainly this isn't true at all. Of cause, at first I though about how in the first 10 month I did nothing but hanging around all day on tumblr, got one rejection for applications after another. But quickly I realized that I was more then just a bit wrong.

London, Hamburg, Regensburg, Berlin, Cologne and Düsseldorf not forgetting Münster. So many cities I went in 2013. I got visitors and was a visitor, I had a lovely chat over a cocktail with Maite Kelly, I got my Make-Up done from the awesome Sina Velka, I took a picture with Casper, had a pillow fight in nightwear infront of the Cologne Dom and was being photographed in underwear. I stood at North Gower street and watched the black door in awe, I gave ma heart to a fandom and a british actor and I recovered how much a enjoy being a fangirl.
Apart from a really exciting year blog wise, with lots of awesome events and great opportunities, one of the best things was meeting so many people. I met the girls behind some of my favourit blogs and let most of them deep into my heart. I met a bunch of abnorsome beings that shared the most crazy week in the middle of August with me. I made friends all over the world and I feel more valued and loved then ever before.

During the year I learned an awful lot about myself, about feminism, and equality. My perspective on things shifted and I think I made a few big steps for myself. I got more angry at the world but also more calm with myself, I cried a lot and I laughed a lot. I let friends go and missed them massively, well I still miss them, but I also learned I am much better at being alone then I thought. 
Something I am really proud of is that despite all doubt I finally believe in my own talents. After almost a year of not feeling like I am good at anything I am back at at least knowing there are things I am good at, even though I can improve everywhere and still have a long way to go.

2013 actually was great. It was filled with joy and love, with good food and making lots of friends, with terrific times with old friends and lovely family time. I want to say thank you for always supporting me, no metter if it's a nice comment, a sweet tweet, a message on What's app or a real life hug, I appreciate it so much every single time and I wish I could hug you all back. 

If there is anything I want to have more of next year, it's taking risks. It might also be devouring passion, a bit of romance and a sunny summer holiday. 

PS: Happy New Year...or how we like to say it HAPPY FUCKING SEASON 3 DAY!